Truths of old awaits your investigation
Come and look at some amazing historical documents and the precious truths they contain
Here you will find news paper articles, photos and other evidence of God’s precious truths being preserved throughout the ages and the brave men and women who have lifted their voice like a trumpet
Old Mt. Carmel Center 1930-1955
This video covers the history of God preserving the Truth through the Shepherd’s Rod message and its author V. T. Houteff from 1930-1955
Salem South Carolina Davidian Church
One of two SDA churches on record that accepted the Rod teachings
Most of the members were from the Sam and Stella Smith family who had 14 children who all became Davidians because of Elder Leonard Nations who was an Adventist pastor who accepted the Rod message and the whole church was converted.
This church is still standing today, you can get literature and the message there.