The Shepherd’s Rod advances in Eastern Zimbabwe
It was in February, 2019 when Brother Itayi and I visited Chitungwiza for four days for the purpose of teaching the Shepherd’s Rod message. A group of about ten fellow Adventists believers attended two studies per day. Amongst that group there was a young man Brother Justice who all quite throughout the studies. I kept wondering what was going on with him as he never said any word during our visit. We had visited with but a few publications of the Shepherd’s Rod due to the fact that we had a few back at home as we were waiting for Mountain Dale, New York brethren to send which sometimes took more than a year. We left Chitungwiza for Bulawayo praying that God may strengthen and establish this little company in the truth.
After some months the sister who had organised for our visit started backsliding and our hearts were sour as we thought the little company there will soon cease studying the Rod, however, miraculously God surprised us as Brother Justice (who was so quiet during our visit) gave me great news, he stated that he was now teaching the Rod message back in Chitungwiza. Furthermore, he related how he was now devotedly studying the message of the hour. Above all, his testimony struck my heart and made me understand and realise that surely God’s ways are not our ways, His words will not fall on the ground and bring forth nothing, much more He sends His angels before His workers to prepare the hearts of those that He has called. Below is Brother Justice’s testimony;
“It started when you came with Brother Itayi those days in Harare. To be honest l was a total backslider. I used to hear the sermons through walls.
But being convinced that indeed you were sent by God to us. The previous night l had a wonderful dream about two young men who were taking people to a greener land. The following day you came.
But now l am a better SDA than before, willing to learn and unlearn more. What more l can say, God is taking the reins in his own hands brother. Surely serve God not self (mammon).
Now lam heading towards the field will talk more once l settle down.”
“Greetings brother Before listening or reading the present truth in the OSRod, l was in a terrible condition. But thank God for your effort, the time you came to Harare l was left with a bone to chew. To be honest, l started reading the book Early Writings the chapter called my first vision, the things l read from that book touched my heart. As times goes on, when l received the tracts the day we met in Bulawayo my understanding increases. Tract No. 3 was my first book to read whereby the writer caught my attention that no human being apart from inspiration can match symbols and parables as found in that tract.
Now l am continuing my progress of truth. I decided to read the whole Bible to get a vivid picture about the theme of the Bible and this time l am reading the gospel of Mark i.e. from Genesis-Mark, l covered that area. Please pray for me to keep advancing in truth. I am longing to get hold of the Timely greetings, Symbolic codes and Shepherd’s Rod Vol 1&2.
May God guide and protect us.”
This testimony is an emblem that God is still controlling His work from that throne of Ezekiel one. In August, 2023 the same brother invited me to his new place of residence in Mutare, there he had little flock whom he had been teaching the fourth angel message for about half a year. I went there for a two day visit and found him and the little flock eagerly waiting for me. The books he longed for l had them with me, glory to God for upa7 ministry through which we have managed to print the original Shepherd’s Rod literature locally with but little cost and we are now able to scatter these publications as autumn leaves through our publishing houses (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 7, page 140.3).
(From left to right Bros. Lindoll, Ndaba, Clever, Sister Shamu, Brother Justice’s mom and Bro. Justice)
We continue to pray that may the good Lord may strengthen and further establish the little flock in the fourth angel message so that they may carry forward His work in that part of the vineyard.
Yours to work for the soon coming Kingdom,
Brother Lindoll
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